Here are the Current Versions for all of our Free to 'Download and Use' Excel Apps, Lists and Manuals as follows:


Check the following versions against your current version and update as required by clicking on the links. This will take you to the relevant download page. Please also check to see if the instruction manual for the relevant Excel App has been updated. We would advise that if you download one of our Apps, you also download the relevant instruction manual. This will make is much easier and quicker to use the App.


We update and improve our Apps on a regular basis so please come back to this page from time to time to see that you have the latest versions.


Latest versions and date of version:


Automated Yacht Fuel Calculation and Planning Form App. (Excel).

Version: Ver 1.0315

Upload Date: 03.01.2023


Tidal Stream Calculator TScalculate App. (Excel).

Version: TScalc_3 _Ver 1.02.xlsm.

Upload Date: 15.03.2022


Yacht Victualling List (.Pdf).

Version: V. 1.1

Upload Date: 10.10.2022